Maui Matsuri

About Us


Maui Matsuri started as a Japanese festival on Market Street in Wailuku Maui in May 1999. It is the only Japanese festival on Maui and it is put together totally by a team of volunteers. The perpetual theme for this festival is “Kodomo No Tame Ni“, which translates to “For the Sake of the Children”. Our focus is to provide an environment for families to share and learn about the Japanese culture and pass down traditions. Ancestors came here for a better life not only for themselves but for their children and for generations to come. In this spirit, we end the festival with a traditional obon dance which encourages all ages, all religious denominations, and all ethnicities to come together to dance in honor of all ancestors.

The Committee

2024 maui matsuri committee
FRONT: Brian Nagami (co-chair), Jennifer Sumida (co-chair), Kit Furukawa, Kay Fukumoto (co-chair), Tiffany Iida. BACK: Kristen Kagoshima, Jon Morioka, Ellen Loucks, Katherine Patricio, Stacey Nikaido, Conrado Cortez, Cindy Asato-Kochi, Kelsie Kagoshima, April Gragas, Kenneth Yamamura, Faye Hozaki. NOT IN PHOTO: Ardis Apuna, Carolyn Cortez, Jasmine Domingo, Daryl Fujiwara, Sharon Higa, Jill Izumigawa Ross, Faye Kashiwa Otsuka, Tyson Kongsil, Shannon Loo, Valerie Matsunaga, Kathy Ohta, Jill Senter, Chris Sugidono, Ryan Suzuki, Bernice Takahata, Joan Tamori, Sharon Westfall

This Year's Theme


Nozomi: To have a strong desire for something, to wish for something, to hope for something.

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